Michael Macchi appointed Principal
Mr. Michael Macchi was named the principal of the Perry K-8 School effective July 1, 2020. Mr. Macchi’s appointment is the culmination of a rigorous screening process with participation by members of the Perry community, including several staff members, parents and guardians.
May 1, 2020
Dear Perry K-8 School Community:
I am pleased to announce that I am appointing Mr. Michael Macchi as the principal of the Perry K-8 School effective July 1, 2020. Mr. Macchi’s appointment is the culmination of a rigorous screening process with participation by members of the Perry community, including several staff members, parents and guardians.
Since the summer of 2018, Mr. Macchi has held an administrative position in his role as a Principal Fellow and Assistant Principal. It is evident that the collaborative work Mr. Macchi has led and the deep relationships he has cultivated during this time will continue to have a positive impact on student learning and will serve the entire Perry community well under his leadership.
A lifelong learner, Mr. Macchi is an alumnus of the Lynch Leadership Academy, University of Massachusetts Boston and Boston University. Prior to his arrival at the Perry School, Mr. Macchi was a third grade teacher in the Boston Public Schools from 2013-2018 at the Phineas Bates Elementary. Mr. Macchi is a talented instructional leader, who is guided by his four core values: inclusion, collaboration, communication and relationships. Over the course of the last two years, he has established strong relationships with students, families and community partners, communicated with families to design ways to expand family engagement, and collaborated with students and teachers to design rigorous, student-focused and standards-aligned learning opportunities that are inclusive of all students in the Perry School community.
Please join me in welcoming Mr. Macchi as he assumes this position of leadership at the Perry K-8 School. I also want to thank Principal Geoff Rose for his six years of unwavering dedication to the Perry community, and his commitment to ensuring a smooth and successful leadership transition. With the full support of all of us at the Boston Public Schools, I am confident he will continue to advance the great work of the Perry School on behalf of our students.
Sincerely, Dr. Brenda Cassellius Superintendent